Friday, March 25, 2005

Holy Mama, It's Otaku Friday

This isn't really a traditional otaku thing per se, but let's be flexible. This image, which I have lovingly plagarized from an online martial arts paraphernalia dealer, showcases the store's ninja costumes. To quote the item description:

"Ninja uniforms are made of top quality fabrics. These are real Ninja uniforms, not cheap costumes. Available in black only. Includes 2 piece hood, hand gauntlets, top, and pants. Sizes from 0 to 6."

Now, I don't claim to be an authority on ninja culture...but if these are real uniforms, does that mean were there toddler ninjas, like the ones pictured here, running around feudal Japan? And did they really carry bright red plastic nunchucks? Because those, paired with the black pajamas, really make them hard to see against that authentic ninja golf course in the background. All in all I'd have to say that these "real ninja uniforms" are about as Japanese as a can of Chef Boyardee in Chuck Norris's pantry.

A closer look at the item page reveals that, true enough, they are not cheap costumes. At $47.99 a piece, they are decidedly expensive costumes.

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