Monday, August 14, 2006

Star Wars Mash-Up Report

I refuse to apologize for not posting lately because I have been enjoying a glorious summer vacation and am therefore not sorry.

More than a year ago (wow, really?) I posted this entry about the Star Wars mash-up I was working on. Since then, after much procrastinating, postponitrating and lacadaisicaliflating, I finished the mash-up itself and have begun work on a video for it this weekend.

It's going well; I've finished the first twenty seconds of video for the two-and-a-half-minute mash-up and, so far, it's quite amusing (in regard to both content and the fact that the whole project has become a crash course in creating Flash animations, something I have been meaning to teach myself for some time).

Technorati: , flash

1 comment:

Chidori Ashi Kun said...

Cool. Im looking forward to seeing the starwars flash. See you tuesday