Saturday, July 11, 2015

How not to solo Thorn: A two-part saga

The last stage of Destiny's Thorn exotic hand cannon bounty has become a popular subject for YouTube gamers. Of particular popularity is the concept of "soloing" the strike -- running it on one's own and successfully defeating the "hidden" boss, Xyor the Unwed -- for the purpose of unlocking Thorn, arguably one the best weapons in the game. Doing so, it turns out, is a test of patience.

The two videos below represent my last two attempts at this challenge. I can assure you there were other attempts, all of which resulted in me throwing in the towel (usually without passing the initial locked door) before these two.

These videos were edited for time. Part 1 was the result of about 90 minutes of actual gameplay, and Part 2, about 75 minutes recorded later the same week.

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